DIY Projects Bedroom Lighting EcoMaster

Bedroom Lighting

In the bedroom, there are quite a few energy-efficient features to see. Starting with the drapes, the lighting treatment, an example of sealing up heating outlets, improving cross-flow ventilation and draught proofing a walk-in robe.

When we first moved into this home, it was absolutely full of 50-watt halogen downlights. They were fitted into gimballed fittings (the ones that can tilt) which have an amazing gap around each one.

Very early on we decided we had to do something about those halogens. While many of our lighting upgrades have
been superseded, this particular one lasted. It is now slated for replacement with IC-rated LED downlights, but it was pretty good at the time. Even today it is still working well. These particular lamps were fitted onto the exterior rim of the gimballed fitting. We just kept the rim in the ceiling, took out the halogen centres and fitted the new lamps.

These are GX53 compact fluorescent lamps. You can probably see the little fluoro going across it. So it’s sealed up the light fitting (no gap). And these about 13 Watts. So it reduced the power consumption of the lighting quite a lot. The downside of compact fluorescence, apart from having some mercury in them, is that they take a long time to come up to full light, and that’s kind of irritating. But once they are in full light, they’re okay. It’s a nice warm light as well. And that’s why we’ve kind of persevered with this and left them to the last for replacing.

Learn more DIY home projects. Read and watch here:

The DIY Guide to Energy Efficient Home Project

Downlights LED are the saving grace in the halogen vs LED battle

LED downlight installation is a simple plug-in process with the Osram Tri Colour Downlight. It is a dimmable LED light fitting and globe in one complete unit that has a long-lasting 90mm sealed LED downlight. With no bulb to replace, they are effectively maintenance free!

Know more about this product

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