DIY Projects Draught Proofed Cavity Sliding Door EcoMaster

Draught Proofed Cavity Sliding Door

As is usually the case with master bedrooms, there’s often a walk-in robe. In this case, we’ve got a cavity sliding door that slides into an external wall, so almost always causes a draught issue. In this case, we fitted the Draught Dodgers for Cavity Sliding Door, so that we can shut the door and have it draught-proofed on this side.

Learn more DIY home projects. Read and watch here:

The DIY Guide to Energy Efficient Home Project

Foolproof from Intrusive Draughts!

Enjoy a home that doesn’t get too hot in summer and extremely cold in winter! Draught Dodgers for Cavity Sliding Doors are a great way to seal one side of a cavity sliding door when it is closed.


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